How To Achieve Almost Anything

Learn how to achieve anything you want even when things don't go to plan 93% of the time

In an attempt to back up the 360 hype we've been making recently I thought it would be interesting to show you how we, the FITISM team are setting goals and planning our training and nutrition throughout 2022.

So to kick things off here’s mine…

Before I explain the fitness goals I’ve set myself this year I will set the scene by taking you back 20 years. To my 20 year old self.

Back when I was at university I was an okay runner. I raced at a half decent level for a good 3-4 years but that all came to an abrupt end in 2006.

I didn’t know it at the time but 2006 would be the year of my last competitive race. Ever!

The race was held in Lausanne, Switzerland. It was a stunning location and attracted some of the greatest athletes from all around Europe.

I’d qualified to be there and I raced well for my standards but I remember so clearly finishing that race completely disillusioned. I'd completely lost my love for endurance sports and competitive racing altogether.

So much so I haven’t run competitively since!

Finding A Goal

Fast forward to Dec 2021 and I’m sat on my sofa thinking about what personal goals I should set myself for 2022 when I received a text from one of my mates.

The text read...

“Hi mate, I’m starting a running group with a bunch of guys inc me all aiming to get back to a decent level of running. We're aiming to run a sub 20 minute 5km. You in?”

My immediate reaction was “No! Why would I?!” I haven’t run or wanted to run competitively since 2006 but it got me thinking… and thinking and thinking and thinking… Until finally I decided it was about time to get over myself and go for it.

So there you have it my 2022 goal is to run 5km under 20 minutes. I’m officially training seriously for competitive running again for the first time in almost 20 years.

I began the following plan on 3rd Jan 2022 and I’m loving it!

The Plan


Goal: 5km under 20 minutes
By when: Aug 2022
How: I have split my year into 4x 3 month blocks.
Jan-Mar: 3 very easy runs per week to build my aerobic base
Apr-Jun: 1 easy, 1 interval, 1 tempo run per week to build my speed tolerance
Jul-Sep: race/recovery, maintain pace, prehab/injury prevention
Oct-Dec: active recovery, prehab, technique

I track all my runs on Strava. If you're interested click here


This is completely personal to me and it's not an opinion I impose on anyone else but I don’t find the aesthetic ‘look’ of a runner very desirable. I feel so much better when I carry muscle and train for strength and power. Plus I really enjoy this type of training. So with that said I’ll be adding an additional 5 sessions in the gym each week on top of my running with the primary aim of building an athletic physique.

Goal: 39kg+ of muscle at <14% body fat
Jan-Mar: strength and joint health/resilience
Apr-Jun: muscle size & strength
Jul-Sep: power and speed
Oct-Dec: recovery, prehab, technique

I track all my workouts on Strava. If you're interested click here


The main aim of my nutrition approach will be to support muscle growth and body fat reduction. Having said that I will keep it nice and simple. Other than aiming to eat 145-160g (1.8-2g x 80kg body weight) of protein per day I will eat intuitively to achieve a net calorie deficit each week.

Don’t for one second think I won’t be enjoying a few beers, pizzas, ice creams etc on the weekends but my aim is to do exactly that - resist the temptation mid week. Wish me luck!

I will make inevitable adjustments along the way based on how I’m feeling, my sleep quality, stress levels, body fat and muscle mass which I’ll measure monthly using the InBody scanners we have at FITISM.

And that’s it. My 2022 plan:  run a sub 20 minute 5km whilst trying to look half decent by combining my running with lifting in the gym.


As you will have probably gathered from my plan that I have an all or nothing personality type and I wouldn’t recommend this approach to 90% of people but it works for me.

I may or may not achieve my goal but that’s okay. The important thing for me is that I have a goal that I would absolutely love to achieve but if I don’t I won’t be crying about it. The goal serves a deeper purpose… it has given me a reason to create a plan. It’s given me a positive focus to put time and energy into my own health and fitness but without taking the outcome too seriously.

So with that said here's how, in my opinion you can achieve almost anything you want…

Set a goal that means something to you - it’s powerful.

Without a goal it’s next to impossible to achieve what you want. A goal without a plan is a wish.

Take your health and fitness seriously. Your mental and physical health is really important! Give it the time and attention it deserves.

Create a plan and put energy into it daily and don’t worry if it does not always go according to plan. In fact it won’t go to plan most of the time.

A rocket to the moon is only ever on course 7% of the time but it still makes it to the moon! How? Because that’s the plan!

By simply having a plan means you are infinitely more likely to achieve your goal.


If all of this sounds overwhelming and you know it does not come naturally to you I highly recommend you add 360 to your membership if you have not done so already!

360 helps you achieve exactly what I’ve outlined in this blog; a goal, a plan, regular check ins, tracking, reviews and a support system to help you get there.

It could be exactly what you need to make a breakthrough.

Until next time,


PS. If you are new to FITISM, ready to get in shape and would like our help click the button below.

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